Agency Directory

In case you missed the new page I created to list literary agencies, I thought I would send out a post. My “go to” used to be Preditors and Editors, but it has been in “dust” mode for a long time. And with Pitch Wars ceasing, I’m not sure how long their site will be running. While there is Manuscript Wishlist, AALA, AAA(UK), and Query Tracker, and possibly others I’m unaware of, they aren’t a complete list, or they miss agencies on some that are on others. So, I decided to make a list from all of them. It is still a work in progress and will be everchanging as agencies open and close.

When I started this, I found it very time consuming. But, at some point, I will go back and improve the listings by adding the age categories and genres each one represents. To search red flags for agencies, I recommend Absolute Write. But for now, enjoy the agency directory I created.

P.D. Pabst


Per the Chicago Writing Workshop website, this writing event (June 10-11, 2022) is a wonderful opportunity to get intense instruction over the course of one day, pitch a literary agent or editor (optional), get your questions answered, and more. Note this is an online event, so anyone can attend from anywhere!

Here are a few of this years faculty that will be in attendance:

Don’t delay in registering. Have fun and learn lots!

P.D. Pabst
Blogger and writer of MG/YA fiction.


The Emerald Forest

Oh my gosh in chocolate heaven! There is an Ireland Writer Tours not just once this year but several times! How can someone choose which one to attend?

June 19-26, 2022

The instructors will be Editor-in-Chief of Wild Rose Press Rhonda Penders and social media and marketing expert Samantha Keating.

July 10-17, 2022

The instructors will be award-winning multi-published author & editor Heather Webb, and Eliza Knight, an award winning multi-published author and editor.

The tours are mini-writers’ conferences that help get your manuscript ready for publication. With dinner in a haunted castle and visits to a mysterious lake, ancient forest and a cave with eerie true stories, the tour is filled with enchantment and enough creepy to spark your writing juices.  Combine this with professional critiques and editing advise and you’ve got one helluva trip! And don’t forget you can write this off at tax time since it’s a learning event.

Get your passports ready! And happy day writing.

P.D. Pabst
Blogger and writer of MG/YA fiction.

MoodPitch Twitter Event

MoodPitch is a new Twitter pitch contest created by Kathleen Foxx, Jaimie Hunter, and Lula Lockwood. The contest is for authors with completed and polished manuscripts that are ready to query. This contest is unique because you can include mood boards with your pitch. Agents and editors will be participating. As always, do your own research before submitting your manuscripts.

The contest is Thursday, April 7, 2022 between 8am-8pm EST. For complete guidelines and hashtags that will be used during contest, go here. As always, good luck!

P.D. Pabst


If you are in the Santa Monica, California area on April 30, 2022 and you love books, you might want to attend the Yallwest Book Festival where more than 60 authors are participating in book signings, panels, and giveaways. There will be food trucks, rock ‘n’ roll, and photo ops too. Plus notable TV, film, video game, and comic creators will be in attendance.

Some of the fantastic author lineup includes:

To check out more authors attending, go here. Have fun!

P.D Pabst
Blogger and author of MG/YA fiction.

2022 Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards

Self-published writers are often left out in the cold, struggling to market and promote their books. But every so often, there is an event to help them get noticed. The Published Book Awards via Writer’s Digest is such an event. Here is what is up for grabs:


  • $10,000 in cash
  • An interview with writer for the March/April 2023 issue of Writer’s Digest
  • A paid trip to the Writer’s Digest Annual Conference, including a coveted Pitch Slam slot
  • Publication of an excerpt from the writer’s winning book on


  • $1,000 in cash
  • Promotion of writer and their winning book the March/April 2023 issue of Writer’s Digest


  • Be featured on the Writer’s Digest website
  • One year subscription to Writer’s Digest Tutorials
  • 20% discount off of purchases made at Writer’s Digest University
  • A special graphic recognizing their winning status

Honorable Mention Winners will receive promotion on and a special graphic for use in promoting their win. All entrants will receive a brief commentary from one of the judges. Be sure to check out the categories, guidelines, and submission details. Deadline is April 1, 2022.

As always, good luck.

P.D. Pabst
Blogger and writer of MG/YA fiction.

2022 Florida Writing Workshop

Chicago Writing Workshop

Per the Florida Writing Workshop website, this online writing event (July 8-9, 2022) is a wonderful opportunity to get intense instruction over the course of the conference, pitch a literary agent or editor (optional), get your questions answered, and more. Writers can join from anywhere. However, there are still a limit of 200 seats for attendance, so hurry!

Here are a few of this year’s faculty that will be in attendance:

Since the seats are limited, don’t delay in registering. Have fun and learn lots!

P.D. Pabst
Blogger and writer of MG/YA fiction.

Harlequin Romance Pitch Event, So you Think You Can Write

Harlequin is hosting a Twitter Pitch event on March 30th, 2022 from 9am-5pm EST. They are looking for diverse voices and diverse stories in Romance. Be sure to include the hashtag #RomanceIncludesYou. If they are interested in your story, they will like your pitch. Then, they usually request a synopsis and first three chapters. Please understand you manuscript should be completed and polished because if they like the chapters, they will request the full. For complete details, go here.

Good luck!

P.D. Pabst

Oregon Literary Fellowship FY 2020

Literary Arts Logo

Oregon Literary Fellowships are intended to help Oregon writers initiate, develop, or complete literary projects. Fellowships are also awarded to support Oregon’s independent publishers, small presses, and literary magazines. Monetary prizes for the fellowships range around $3500 and $10,000 with several being given out in various categories.

This fellowship is sponsored by Literary Arts with a deadline of September 17, 2021. And though being a resident of Oregon is one requirement, be sure to read the entire guidelines and categories before entering.

As always, good luck!

P.D. Pabst
Blogger and writer of MG/YA fiction.

San Francisco Virtual Writing Workshop

Per the website, the San Francisco Writing Workshop is a wonderful opportunity to get intense instruction over the course of two days, pitch a literary agent (optional), get your questions answered, and more. Note that this is a virtual workshop, so anyone can attend from anywhere. This workshop is a full-day “How to Get Published” writing event in San Francisco, CA on October 8-9, 2021

For those partcipating, this sounds like a great day of learning and marketing yourself. Good luck!

P.D. Pabst
Blogger and writer of MG/YA fiction.